Driver Care

Person using iPad

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) do very little to outline the specific requirements for a motor carrier’s safety trainings. The requirements that are addressed cover entry-level driver training, drug and alcohol testing requirements, hazmat and longer combination vehicle training, and although a carrier cannot be cited for not going beyond these training requirements if an accident or audit ever arises the lack of safety training & culture can have severe consequences.

NASTC’s Online Driver Training program allows our members to not only implement but maintain a safety culture & ongoing training directly from the office to the cab of the truck; keeping costs low and keeping drivers moving. With your enrollment in NASTC’s Online Driver Training Program you will have access to all online training modules. 

Upon successful completion of the module and the subsequent test, the employee is given an opportunity to print a certificate to include in their driver file. This certificate would provide prima facie evidence that your company has a pre-employment driver training as well as on-going driver training in place as standard operating procedure and to prove your commitment to safety.

For More Information Please Contact:
Jill Loper