Driver Plus

A driver safety program

Driver Plus is a pro-active way to reach your drivers with a positive safety message on a regular basis. All of us struggle with how to deliver ongoing safety training to our drivers, particularly the more experienced, older and safer drivers. It is hard to spend 30 or 40 minutes on most subject matter that relates to safety without boring your drivers to tears and maybe even insulting their intelligence.

Safety Messages on CD

Driver Plus goes a long way towards solving that problem by imbedding a twelve to twenty-minute safety message in an entertaining CD that is given to each driver every month. The CD is customized for truck drivers and is very entertaining with segments on music and news in a light-hearted talk show format.


Entertaining Safety Reminders

Repeated safety messages are important and very effective. They serve as constant reminders to drivers to remain focused on their primary mission, to drive safely. NASTC’s Driver Plus delivers these safety reminders in an entertaining manner that drivers enjoy and appreciate.

It is difficult to get all our drivers together for safety training as often as we’d like to; Driver Plus solves that problem by giving us the means to deliver a real safety message to our drivers on a regular and consistent basis.

For More Information Please Contact:
Jill Loper

NASTC Driver Plus Program CD's