The National Association of Small Trucking Companies® is on a mission to help build better trucking companies. We are constantly implementing new products and strategies to help our member companies navigate a highly regulated industry while still growing efficiently and increasing profitability.
From obtaining operating authority & insurance to enrollment in DOT required Drug & Alcohol Testing, UCR filings, Process Agent BOC-3 & driver training programs, NASTC’s safety and compliance department is here to guide you through everything from starting a new trucking company to ensuring compliance with mandatory FMCSA & DOT regulations.
“We really love this New Authority Plus Services program that NASTC has. It helps so much when you get your authority and there is so much that you need to do to stay on top of everything. Anytime you have any questions, someone is always available to help or will get you in touch with who can. Their programs are wonderful and will probably be taking advantage of more as needed. I would recommend them to anyone who is just starting out.”