Fuel Card Fraud

Fuel Card Fraud

Fuel card skimming has become part of the trucker’s life. Card skimming is the practice of placing a device on a fuel pump that allows the card information along with the security prompts that are entered on the pump to be copied.

Once the criminal obtains this information, they then make counterfeit cards and begin purchasing fuel on your account leaving both you and the fuel card company to pick up the pieces. The financial burden that is placed on the small family-owned trucking company is heavy as it can take anywhere from sixty to ninety days to potentially receive a refund.

There is a way to curb this type of fraud, and it is called Dynamic Prompt. This feature works when the driver logs into the Fleet One Card Control app and requests a Dynamic Pin number. The Dynamic Pin number is a one-time use code that changes every time a request is submitted by the driver. Since the code changes each time the driver fuels, it removes the ability for the criminals to commit continued fraud on your account.

If you want to make your fuel card account more secure by utilizing the Dynamic Prompt feature, please contact us for more information by calling 800-264-8580 or by email qpnfuelprogram@nastc.com

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